125-Year Historical Timeline

Dr. Charles Allen Cary—graduate of Iowa State Agricultural College— hired by President William LeRoy Broun to establish Department of Physiology and Veterinary Science at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical College. He lectures agriculture students on veterinary science and holds free clinics for farmers on Saturdays to treat large animals. Twenty-five students enroll in Dr. Cary’s first veterinary science classes.
First veterinary building constructed along Magnolia Avenue near today’s Toomer’s Corner: a two-story, nine-room building with lecture room, office, four labs, operating room, and museum with skeletons of horse, ox, sheep, hog and human, plus many organ models.
Dr. Cary and students see 360 clinical cases in Saturday clinics, with area farmers’ animals providing important clinical education for students.
Hospital building constructed, featuring five large box stalls and four open single stalls, plus upstairs storage. City of Montgomery adopts Dr. Cary’s protocols for meat, milk and dairy inspections, first city in U.S. to do so.
Dr. Cary named president of U.S. Experiment Station Veterinarians. First small animal patient (a dog) admitted for one month.
Nine graduate students matriculate in bacteriology, histology, and meat, milk and dairy inspection.
Veterinary program at API becomes School of Veterinary Medicine, first veterinary program in United States south of Pennsylvania. Dr. Cary appointed as founding dean of school and Alabama’s first state veterinarian and elected fifth vice president of AVMA. Three-story frame building on West Magnolia Avenue built to house veterinary program.
Veterinary school keeps its cattle, hogs and sheep on 300-acre Experiment Station farm near today’s Samford Avenue/Hill dorms.
First Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees awarded at API. School of Veterinary Medicine has three departments: Veterinary Medicine; Physiology; and Surgery. Dr. Cary chairs USDA Committee on Eradication of Texas Cattle Tick Fever.
Requirements for admission to API School of Veterinary Medicine: 18 years of age, of good moral character, and satisfactory score on examination in geography and United States history; English (grammar and composition); reading (an extensive book list of recommended classics of literature was provided); and mathematics through algebra and geometry.
Hog Cholera Serum Plant opens; $25,000 cost provided by legislature. Serum is used in eradication of hog cholera throughout state. The 13 members of the graduating class take and pass state’s first veterinary license exam.
The veterinary curriculum increases from three to four years.
About half of 139 API graduates respond to calls for volunteers in Veterinary Reserve Corps. Dr. Cary serves as AVMA president.
Alabama declared free of cattle tick. After seven years of intense, state-wide effort, the Tuberculosis Eradication Program among Alabama’s dairy herds proves effective. Dean Cary and his team test more than 60,000 dairy cows during program.
Graduate education begins at the School of Veterinary Medicine. Mildred Moore and Miriam Moore awarded first Master of Science degrees.
18 Alabama counties declared “tuberculosis free” among dairy herds. Dr. M.W. Emmel, professor of pathobiology, announces breakthroughs in study of fowl paralysis and leukemia — the two most destructive and economically devastating diseases affecting fowl. His work is profiled internationally.
Dean Cary dies at his home of a heart attack at age 73. Dr. Isaac Sadler McAdory named dean and serves until 1940.
More than 400 apply to the first-year class, with 50 accepted. Auburn is home to the nation’s only veterinary school operating a completely equipped abattoir, offering students training in both ante-mortem and postmortem meat inspection.
Work nears completion on new complex to quadruple clinical capacity. Includes postmortem house, hospital, two four-horse stables, a barn to house 16 large animals, three sheds, eight open pens, and feed storage house. The budget is $65,000 for 12 separate buildings.
Jane O’Brien becomes school’s first female veterinary student. New histology laboratory constructed, boasting 82 microscopes and one, on loan from Bausch & Lomb Company, with 3,000x magnification power.
Mildred Moore named instructor in bacteriology, school’s first female faculty member.
New veterinary building—later named Cary Hall—opens on main campus. Three-story structure has 26,000 square feet of space. Dr. Redding Stancil Sugg named dean.
Dean Sugg reports for duty with U.S. Veterinary Corps and serves three years. School led by Dr. Everett S. Winters 1942 to 1945. Wilford S. Bailey named Outstanding Senior in veterinary medicine.
Lucille Sandahl Dimmerling becomes first female graduate of School of Veterinary Medicine. To aid war effort, college accelerates its curriculum and has two graduating classes this year.
Auburn becomes the veterinary college for six Southern states (Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee) through agreement of Southern Regional Education Board. Dr. B.T. Simms ’11 elected president of AVMA at convention in Chicago; also directs Bureau of Animal Industry.
Large animal barn and paddocks constructed at intersection of Thach Avenue and Donahue Drive.
More than 300 applicants apply for entry into vet school to fill 70 available seats. Requirements increased to two years of the pre-veterinary medicine curriculum.
Department of Surgery and Medicine divided into Small Animal and Large Animal divisions.
Three-story small animal clinic on Thach Avenue built, serving veterinary school for 20 years.
First class under Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) admitted.
John Thomas Vaughan graduates with DVM from API along with 10 students from Kentucky, first students to graduate under SREB program. Mr. Kenneth A. Scott, an avid field-trial dog competitor, contributes matching money to support Dr. B.F. Hoerlein’s research.
Dean Redding S. Sugg advocates purchase of 280 acres on Wire Road for future veterinary medicine campus. Dr. Sugg dies while serving as dean. Dr. James E. Greene named schools fourth dean, serving until 1977.
Two major facilities—Sugg Animal Health Research Laboratory and McAdory Hall Large Animal Clinic—open on Wire Road veterinary campus. API becomes Auburn University.
Auburn awarded $1 million grant by U.S. Public Health Service to build basic science building and small animal clinic. A bequest from Ms. Eleanor Ritchey, an heiress of Quaker State Oil Company, of more than $11 million benefits small animal disease research and honors her love of animal rescue. The gift was, at the time, the largest single donation to Auburn, and helped establish the Scott-Ritchey Research Center.
Preakness winner and 1957 Horse of the Year Bold Ruler referred to Auburn for malignant nasal tumor. Auburn’s work prolongs his life for one breeding season, resulting in 33 foals. Small Animal Clinic, later renamed Hoerlein Hall, constructed; includes offices, classrooms, residents’ quarters, and full-service hospital.
Basic sciences building—later named James E. Greene Hall—opens.
Auburn’s raptor rehabilitation program begins; forerunner of Southeastern Raptor Rehabilitation Center.
Dean James Greene receives AVMA Award, American Veterinary Medical Association’s highest honor.
Dean Greene retires, dies same year. Dr. John Thomas Vaughan named program’s fifth dean.
Large Animal Clinic hosts world’s first equine thermography course for veterinarians. Dr. Wilford S. Bailey named president of Auburn University.
School of Veterinary Medicine designated College of Veterinary Medicine. First group of “at-large” students accepted at CVM. Dr. Donita McElroy, first African-American veterinary graduate at Auburn, earns her DVM.
Departments of Pathology, Parasitology and Microbiology merge to form Department of Pathobiology. Mr. Holland M. Ware provides funding for construction and equipping of an expanded imaging center.
Two large animal barns and nine research laboratories are constructed.
Dean John Thomas Vaughan retires; Dr. Timothy Boosinger appointed program’s sixth dean.
Auburn graduates 5,000th student from its veterinary medicine program and the 1,000th student from SREB agreement. Phase I of Southeastern Raptor Center made possible through gift from Dr. Woody Bartlett ‘64; named in memory of his mother, Elmore Bellingrath Bartlett, a noted Alabama philanthropist. This gift follows Dr. Bartlett’s $1 million contribution from the previous year toward the equine lameness arena.
College reorganized into three departments: Anatomy, Physiology & Pharmacology; Pathobiology; and Clinical Sciences. An Auburn tradition is born: War Eagle VI flies untethered in Jordan-Hare Stadium, landing at the 50-yard line during pre-game activities. Dr. Wilford S. Bailey dies at 79.
Construction begins on Large Animal Teaching Hospital. Boshell Diabetes and Metabolic Disease Research Program established through endowment funded by Birmingham-based Diabetes Trust Fund in memory of its founder, Dr. Buris R. Boshell ’47. College also establishes Emergency and Critical Care Service, one of only five such programs in the U.S.
Bartlett Arena completed, along with two equine wards, at Vaughan Large Animal Teaching Hospital. War Eagle VI (Tiger) soars at opening ceremonies of 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah.
John Thomas Vaughan Large Animal Teaching Hospital dedicated.
Phase II of Vaughan Hospital completed, adding two beef cattle barns and two dairy barns. Auburn veterinarians play key role in nation’s first implantation of cardiac resynchronization therapy device in Babec, a western lowland gorilla at Birmingham Zoo.
War Dog Memorial, cast by Susan Bahary and donated by Betsy Putney, installed on campus, a replica of the original in Guam. It was inspired by the WWII experiences of Mrs. Putney’s late husband, Dr. William Putney ’43.
Food animal barns dedicated to honor Dr. Robert L. Carson ’73, Dr. David McClary ’74 and Dr. Dwight Wolfe ’77.
Dr. Robert Carson ’73 receives David E. Bartlett National Award for Theriogenology.
Alpha Psi Fraternity pledges $1 million to the College of Veterinary Medicine, largest gift ever by an AU student organization. Veterinary class size expands from 95 to 120. Dr. Dwight Wolfe ’77 receives David E. Bartlett National Award for Theriogenology.
Overton Educational Wing opens; later named Veterinary Education Center. Auburn University Research Initiative in Cancer (AURIC) established. Former Dean Boosinger named AU provost.
Dr. Calvin Johnson ’86 named college’s seventh dean.
War Eagle VI (Tiger) dies June 18 at age 34. She was among the oldest golden eagles in captivity. Anatomy Laboratory in Greene Hall undergoes $1 million renovation and opens for first-year students. AVMA honors AU alumni and researchers Dr. Deborah Knapp ’83 and Dr. Henry Baker ’60. A potential breakthrough for GM1—a rare, fatal disease in animals and humans—is in its final stage at the college. Gift from American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Theriogenology Foundation establishes residency program in theriogenology, one of only three in the U.S. College dedicates new Wilford and Kate Bailey Small Animal Teaching Hospital, nation’s largest and most advanced animal healthcare and clinical education facility.
Dean Emeritus Dr. John Thomas Vaughan honored by AVMA for contributions to organized veterinary medicine. Auburn awarded patent for research into canine detection for its Vapor Wake technology. Cary Frances Clark, great-great-granddaughter of Auburn’s first veterinary dean and veterinary medicine pioneer Dr. Charles Allen Cary, receives DVM degree from Auburn.
Dr. H.B. “Woody” Bartlett ’64 announces plans to establish, through a bequest, the Bartlett Scholars Program for deserving veterinary professional and graduate students. College installs standing CT machine, allowing for better diagnosis and treatment of complex diseases in the necks and skulls of equine patients. Emergency and Critical Care Service in the Bailey Small Animal Teaching Hospital earns Level I rating from Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society, the highest rating awarded to a veterinary emergency and critical care facility. College launches an online Reproductive Science and Health course in China through partnership with Current Conceptions, Inc.
Auburn establishes a veterinary medical referral center as part of Auburn University Educational Complex in Gulf Shores, Ala. The center will be an academic satellite complex for the college and a resource for Gulf Coast veterinarians and residents. Farm Animal Ambulatory Service offered to farmers in central Alabama and west Georgia through the Vaughan Large Animal Teaching Hospital.