A letter from
Dean J. T. Vaughan to Mrs. Nannie Pirtle
Dear Mrs. Pirtle:
Thank you most kindly for your request of January 24, 1979. I am happy to comply with said request, and I apologize if it appears pretentious. Quite frankly, I was astonished one day when a friend of mine walked in with several copies, the same as the one I am sending to you.
I wrote this upon request of some students for inclusion in their yearbook, never thinking that it would attract any more attention. I fear the thoughts are no more original than those of any other who might sit down for a few reflective minutes to advise a son or daughter or student. Recalling something that the Scottish poet Bobby Burns once wrote “May ye better reck the rede than ere did the advisor,” the meaning being simply that I intended this advice for myself as well as for others. I think very highly of your son; and if he chooses to have this, I would count it as an extreme compliment.
Yours very truly,

J. T. Vaughan, Dean
My Observation
Dr. Vaughan’s letter submitted to the student yearbook
”It’s been my observation that success in this profession doesn’t require genius, but rather the willingness to do hard work and to do it when it’s needed. Then, send your bills, pay your debts, live with your wife and use spirits in moderation.
For a good night’s rest, never do any thing that will prevent you from looking your fellowman in the eye and giving an honest answer; nor avoid confrontation.
For satisfaction, a challenge. Set a goal that will test your outer limits and then fight against those limits until you create a new dimension. Build confidence in yourself to sustain you when others question.
For balance, be as gentle in your estimation of others’ faults as with your own and accept criticism with rancor. For charity, give without remembering and for gratitude, receive without forgetting.
For exercise to build character, learn to say “No.”
For a compass bearing, make regular checks with your creator.”
J.T. Vaughan, DVM